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Invitation to Celebrate Our Planet

What: 50th Anniversary of “Earth Day”
When: Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Where: In Your Backyard
How: This time every year, Trinity participates in the “Adopt-A-Highway” Program. However, this will have to wait. A few ways you may be able to participate –

  • Power Down, unplug and go outside. Saving energy helps our planet!
    • Take a walk; a simple stroll around your home or in your neighborhood
      • Be sure to collect trash along the way and dispose of properly.
    • Brush the cobwebs off the bicycle and wave to your neighbors from afar
    • Have chalk on hand? How about paint? Draw on a sidewalk or grab a rock and share your favorite nature scene.
  • Remember to Recycle and Reuse so we Reduce waste!
    • Do you have a recycle container? Most residential collection will take: corrugated cardboard, plastic bottles & jugs, metal food and beverage cans, glass bottles and jars
    • PLASTIC is polluting our waterways and harming wildlife. How can you help?
      • When Trinity reopens, plastic bags can be brought in for the Lion’s Club Park Bench Program.
      • Use a refillable water bottle and coffee mug instead of purchasing items that use plastic (ex: bottles and cup lids)
    • Water Conservation
      • Do you remember Trinity bringing awareness of the inaccessibility to clean water for many around the world? We shared; Walk for Water, Come to the Well Series, Chime Ringing, and Noisy Sunday. What changes have you made to conserve water?

The year 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of when Earth Day began. The importance of this day is to celebrate the planet’s environment and raise awareness about pollution. The main topic for 2020 is Climate Change. This is the biggest challenge for the world in which we live. There is a lot of information online including ways that YOU can make a difference. To begin, visit

“The land, moreover, shall not be sold permanently, for the land is Mine; for you are but aliens and sojourners with Me.”      Leviticus 25:23