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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

[email protected]

Our Life Together

Important News and Notices

Fall Kickoff Breakfast

EVERYONE is invited to join us at 9:30am for a short welcome and wonderful breakfast as we kick-off a new year of ROC (Raised on

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Glove & Mitten Collection

Let’s make a difference in our community by donating NEW gloves and mittens to help someone stay warm during the cold winter months! The gloves

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Social Sundays

First Sundays each month come down to the Fellowship Hall for a delicious breakfast and a chance to connect with others. Donations accepted by freewill

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Healthy Tracks

Tuesday, September 24 at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Come relax your mind and body with various self-care techniques.

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